Want to Be A Guest?

We absolutely love our guests! They bring the magic to the podcast. We carefully plan our guest lineup to include a variety of widowhood experiences and circumstances, as well as “experts” in fields that are helpful to our listeners. If you love our podcast and think your story can help others, let us know. 

Every widowhood experience is unique.  Don’t think that just because your story is “normal” we won’t be interested in interviewing you.  You don’t need to have honored your late spouse by climbing Mount Kilimanjaro naked to be a good fit. No widowhood story is boring! And remember we define widow as anybody whose romantic partner has died, whether married, unmarried, same sex or other less common relationships. 

We schedule quarterly blocks.  So if you don’t hear from us immediately, our schedule might be full for the next few months.  We will reach out when we begin scheduling again if we think you will be a good fit for our audience and their needs.


Want to be a guest on the podcast? Fill out this submission form

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